“Positive Audacity refers to a bold or daring quality that inspires admiration. It implies taking risks and showing courage in facing challenges.”
Genesis 1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
For us to gain a wider perspective of these events, we must turn to the Gospel of John chapter 1.” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Our understanding of God as Trinity is influenced largely by these key verses.
The audacity of God to step out of the security of (timeless) eternity and into lateral time, most specifically present moment time.
As if enjoying the chaos, God in Spirit hovers excitedly over the dark waters, so very pregnant with the potential, as if giving notice that darkness and chaos will be transformed from emptiness to existence, from darkness to light.
The scene is set to witness the power of a God who changes things. That’s audacity, especially in a society that wants to keep everything the same!
It was never intended that we take anything here too literally, but rather that we share in the excitement, wonder, and most importantly, the intention of God. Scientists are here to tell us more on the technical side; Scripture is here to explain why it happened, with all routes ultimately leading to “Light, Life and Love”.
In the Gospel of John, the term “Word” from the Greek “logos” is of profound significance. To the Greeks, “Logos” denoted the incarnation of this divine reason or principle that gives life and order to the Universe. What John is telling us is that Jesus was present and at work with the Father and Holy Spirit, active in the ongoing process of Creation.
The authors of Genesis 1 compiled the larger portion of Genesis while in captivity in Babylon, where they were confronted by a host of “other” gods, creation myths and a chaotic mixture of stories. Some of these did have an influence on the writers, but there were some brilliant changes.
On that very first day of creation Light is created while the Sun and moon, (The main Babylonian gods) are relegated to day four!!!
With the arrival of light there comes a further separation, light from dark. See how audaciously God created the world out of nothing. What on earth is God up to? If nothing else, it is one glorious hymn of praise. Why not take some time this week to simply meditate on some fruit in season, a lovely flower, or even a vagrant tomato bush, and listen to what God might be saying to you out of these marvellous examples of Life, Light and Love.
With Joy and Peace, Mike
Beginning Now by J.D.Davies.
Sheer Joy by Matthew Fox interviews with Thomas Aquinas.