As a community of Christians we have many different ministries. We welcome involvement in our diverse activities. Sadly, during lockdown many of our usual activities came to an abrupt halt. Not everything though. Fortunately, we were blessed to continue our outreach ministry during lockdown.
- We contribute to the needy in our community by providing food and clothing
- We provide pastoral care by visitation and communicate via telephone during lockdown
- Flowers in the church for Sunday worship are distributed to bless folk who have special celebrations, illness or bereavements
- Home Fellowship groups and Bible Study groups cater for the spiritual needs
- Various Men’s and Women’s Fellowship groups meet spiritual, social and practical needs
- We provide floral and catering support for funeral teas
- We are blessed to have a maintenance team who tirelessly look after our church facilities
- Our facilities are used by various groups in the community for education, exercise classes, fellowship groups and also private functions
Evening Women’s Auxiliary
This group of ladies meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 19:30.
They are not sure when they will resume. Watch this space!
Over the months of lockdown the ladies have been hard at work knitting for those less fortunate. They distributed the following:
- 60 jerseys with matching beanies to Klipfontein Church for distribution
- 20 beanies to Klipfontein Church for distribution
- 120 beanies to the children who are on school feeding at Ruyterwacht School
- 10 baby jerseys and beanies to New Life Centre in Bellville
Donations of wool would be much appreciated as knitting happens on an ongoing basis. Please drop off at the church office or on Thursday afternoons between 14:00 and 17:00.
Ladies’ Link (Ladies In Need of Koinonia)
We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 09:45.
The morning starts with fellowship over a cup of tea/coffee in the annex. We then proceed to the thatched church for our meeting.
We have had a varied program this year with interesting speakers on a range of subjects from serious life stories to an entertaining cartoonist. We also enjoyed playing bingo while snacking on moreish pancakes. We ended the second term with a meal of delicious homemade soup.
Watching well-chosen movies has been thought provoking. Our outings are always a highlight.
Come and join us as we end the year with a medical talk and then, as we plan for the Advent season, we’ll decorate the Christmas tree with our special handcrafted Chrismons and hear about their symbolism.
Watch this space for information about our program for 2023.
Soup Kitchen
Men’s Fellowship
This group meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 18:00.
The committee have decided to defer meeting until the AGM in January unless the church body itself starts earlier. The suggested possible meeting on 30th September therefore will not take place.
Our annual Winter Warmers collection of good used clothing, bedding, etc was successfully organised during lockdown. Adults clothing was donated to Friends of Valkenberg and Klipfontein Methodist. Unfortunately, not many children’s items were donated this year.
Men’s Accountability Breakfast
These men faithfully continued to meet via ZOOM all through lockdown.
Axium Education
We have been praying for Axium Education in the Eastern Cape for a long time.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Time
There is constantly a high need for us to pray for each other and our Church. We have an intercessory group who pray for specific needs that are brought to our attention. All requests are treated as highly confidential with the commitment to hold these requests before our Lord.
If you feel called to be part of this prayer group, please contact Jan van Dijken via email: jan@vandijkenonline.com or WhatsApp 0833024950 or call 0215327558
Pastoral Care
For pastoral care needs please contact Rev Ross Southern at 021 5312224 or email southros@mweb.co.za or contact the church office 021 5318972 or email pinemeth@xinet.co.za
Shared Life Home Fellowship Groups
We have a number of groups that either meet at the Church or in the homes of our members during week. These groups are a safe place to share life, study the Bible and enjoy fellowship with like-minded friends who feel like family.
For more information about Shared Life Groups contact the church office 021 5318972 or email pinemeth@xinet.co.za
We are situated at 2 Union Avenue, Pinelands, Cape Town.
GPS Co-ordinates: S 33° 56′ 15.9″ E 18° 29′ 56.15″
Latitude -33.93809 Longitude 18.49967
Church office
email click here
Office hours: Monday to Friday 08h30 to 13h00
Telephone: 021 531 8972
In case of emergencies outside of office hours please contact 021 531 2224
Banking Details
Account name: Methodist Church of SA Pinelands Society
FNB Current Acc 62076803230, Branch code 250655